8 Ways to Rev up Your Metabolism

As we get older weight gain begins to creep up on us. So what is this weight gain mystery?
The shift of midlife weight gain actually begins in our 20's ? 30's. We naturally gain body fat while losing lean body mass. This loss of lean body mass can greatly affect our metabolism. Starting at about age 25, a person's metabolism declines approximately 5 percent every decade! So it seems we are entering into the battle of age vs. metabolism. We can't control ageing, so what now? Do we wave our white flags and succumb to what seems a natural progression of unwanted, continuous weight gain?
Absolutely not! Increase Muscle Mass
The most important factor of metabolism is lean body mass. Muscle burns up to 90% more calories than fat. The more muscle mass you have, the more calories you will burn in a day. By adding three to five pounds of muscle you could actually burn 100 - 250 additional calories a day. Try adding a weight bearing activity 2-3 times a week such as lifting free weights, walking, or resistance training. Simply carrying your groceries home could be considered weight bearing! Lifting 5-8 pound hand weights while watching your favorite television show could go a long way towards burning calories.
? Don't Skip Meals!
The myth that skipping meals decreases your total calorie level and helps you to lose weight is not true. When people skip meals or decrease their calories significantly (< 1000 calories/day), they actually decrease their metabolism. They go into "starvation mode" where the body tries to compensate for the low calories. Always eat at least 3 meals and avoid dipping below 1000 calories a day.
? Regular activity
Regular exercise routines such as biking, walking, or hiking will help raise your metabolism during the activity and for several hours after. Even simple movements such as taking the stairs, house cleaning, or simple yard work can help increase your burn rate.
? Adequate Protein
Protein provides the building blocks for muscle. Without adequate protein you may actually lose muscle. You need about .4 - .5 gram of protein per pound body weight. Sleep!
A 1999 University of Chicago study showed that sleep loss affects the way we metabolize carbohydrates resulting in glucose intolerance and possibly leading to increased hunger and a slowed metabolism. Decrease Alcohol Consumption
Alcohol may suppress your body's ability to burn fat. Studies show that when you drink alcohol, your body burns fat more slowly than usual during that particular meal. Watch your alcohol intake.
? Try a cup of Green Tea
A small study showed that green tea appeared to raise metabolic rates and speed up fat oxidation. The calorie losses were small- around 60 calories/day. Green tea also has other health benefits because of its significant antioxidant components. You might as well add a little boost to your metabolism while protecting yourself from heart disease, cancer, and strokes.
? Got calcium?
Recent research shows that calcium -- three or four daily servings of low-fat dairy products -- can help adjust your body's fat-burning machinery. The more calcium in the cells resulted in an increase in fat metabolism.
Beware of Magic Cures
We have all seen the ads for products that increase our metabolism and promise miraculous weight loss. Metabolism boosters and Fat Burners ? not only do the people they show us in the testimonials lose weight they also end up with a firm body and a six pack stomach. Many of them contain either human growth hormone, which can lead to joint or heart problems, or epinephrine type ingredients that are correlated with increased blood pressure. The answer is the good old tried and true: eat a balanced diet that does not exceed your calorie needs, exercise regularly and sleep well. © Meri Raffetto, 2004
Owner of Real Living Nutrition Services, Meri Raffetto is a Registered Dietitian and a recognized professional in the area of nutrition and wellness. She offers individual nutrition counseling and has developed one of the only non-diet online weight management programs available on the internet. For more information or to sign up for Real Living's free nutrition newsletter, visit
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