3 Reasons Why The Special K Diet Can Help You Lose Weight Quickly

by Vic George

Are you having problems losing weight like you want to? Don't feel like working out to lose weight quickly? Want to get slimmer in 14 days just by cutting out some calories? This article will reveal the five secrets of the Special K diet.
Lose 6 pounds in just 14 days. This is the promise of the Special K diet. With a claim like this it's natural to be skeptical. Let's look at this diet in detail.
What is the Special K Diet?
The Special K diet has been promoted by Kellogg's, the makers of the Special K cereal. You eat one bowl of Special K with skimmed milk, together with some fruit for two meals a day. Sounds simple. Here are 3 reasons why this diet works.

1. This is a low calorie diet. Anyone on a low calorie diet will lose weight over 2 weeks. It is just that the Special K diet is more convenient than other diets. Be aware that this diet is not good for the long term. It is only good for getting rid of some weight fairly quickly.

2. If you can combine this diet with exercise so much the better. With a bit of exercise you will burn calories as well as taking on less of them. However, the Special K diet is great for the lazy types as they will still lose weight with it in the short term.

3. Scientists at a leading University tested the Special K diet. They found after two weeks up as many as 3 out of 4 of test subjects had slimmer waists and hips. Most of them had lost fat loss.
So, you can lose weight over two weeks with the Special K diet. Being thinner is not a pipe dream, or for those with the perfect genetic make up. Do remember that this diet is great only for a 2 week jump-start; it is not healthy for long term.
Also, you will eventually grow tired of eating the same boring cereal every day, no matter how great your results become.

About the Author
Vic George has put together a complementary report on burning fat that can help you solve your weight problem. To download it instantly visit:
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